Guarding Earth!

In the Holy Heavens, the Central Temple, on a floating island that was the most eye-catching and shrouded in a dragon-shaped atmospheric energy, there was a sudden voice exclamation of joy, "The Tower of Babel! It has finally appeared! I've waited thousands of years, and the chance to escape this cage is finally here!"

A man with a shaven head and burly physique, wielding a scarlet red halberd and covered in a scaly armor, flew out of the floating island, his gaze lightning-like, as he headed towards the highest authority of the Holy Heavens.

Inside the Holy Heavens main Temple, atop of high podium, there were 5 gold thrones, representing the highest authority of the Holy Heavens. Only the Heavenly Lords of each Temple could sit here.

Beneath the podium, 2 rows of gold seats filled up the place, where the other Type 9 Holy Lords of the 5 Temple sat.