Gold Giant God Amano!

With the joint forces of the 8 Devil Lords, even someone like Yue Zhong would be beaten up mercilessly.

The rest of the experts were also fighting it out among themselves over the 4 Gold-grade treasures, and the entire region was rocked by intense power fluctuations.

Countless shockwaves slammed into the strange giant on the throne.

As the shock waves continued to hit the body of the giant, they were absorbed mysteriously.

All of a sudden, the giant opened his eyes and reached out to grab a Type 9 Wyrm-Dragon.

The Type 9 Wyrm-Dragon was shocked and opened its jaws hastily to fire out a dragon's breath at the giant.

The dragon's breath contained laws of corrosion, and even a half-step True God expert would not be willing to let the breath come in contact.

The giant on the throne did not even evade, as he allowed the breath to touch his body, letting out sizzling sounds, and part of his body started rotting.