Taming The Type 2 Mutant Snapping Turtle!

The total number of Mutant Crayfishes and Mutant Crabs combined together exceeded over 70,000, while Yue Zhong's forces standing guard at Xinglong Street were only about 500 people.

If those 2 hordes joined forces and attacked Yue Zhong's subordinates, it would almost be impossible to resist. The only consolation was that after obtaining the huge armory of weapons, Yue Zhong's forces had gained a huge amount of ammo and it could be utilized freely here.

When the 3 Type 2 Mutant Beasts had come upshore about 60m from the waters, Yue Zhong who had buried himself inside the body of the Type 2 Mutant Black Fish jumped out, and swiftly took out his PF98 anti-tank rocket and fired a shot at the weakest-looking Type 2 Mutant Crayfish.

With a flash of flame, the rocket shot towards the Type 2 Mutant Crayfish and exploded on its body.