
Luo Yuan tried running and realized that his speed had only increased around two times, partly constrained by the limitations of his own energy.

However, he would still have seemed incredibly fast to an average person. They’d only be able to see a blurry shadow if he were to wield his knife or slash through something.

As expected, his Physique could not keep up with his advanced speed. His muscles ached and he huffed in exhaustion after only slashing around ten times or so.

Luo Yuan smiled wryly as he held on to his knife and approached the Rampage Lizard.

Even dead, the huge beast still gave out an oppressing aura that seemed to silence its surroundings completely. No other living creature made a sound.

The highly explosive bomb had burnt through the lizard’s stomach and blood was trickling from it. However, when Luo Yuan wiped away the burned skin, he was surprised to see that they were merely superficial injuries. The bomb could do nothing to destroy the beast’s defense.}