
“Brother Luo, its coming!” Wang Shishi screamed, as her face turned pale.

“Hold on tightly to my hand!” Luo Yuan said intently, he too was anxious as he watched the approaching beast, while pushing his way towards the front of the crowd. He could not do anything regardless of his strong powers in such a crowded place.

Desperation had surrounded the people and outcries rang loud in their ears.

The crowd stood motionless for a moment as if possessed by another higher energy before the struggle of pushes came from the front and the back. Some people who were trapped in the middle puked blood from the sheer force on them. Hopeless curses came faintly from the front.

The worst had happened.

“They’ve opened fire, how can they open fire?” Huang Jiahui’s pale face was a mixture of fright and disbelief.

“What about us?” Wang Shishi asked in a worried voice.