
Although the men had experienced the anxiousness and excitement of land clearing, they did not seem to be able to rest in the evening.

After they enjoyed their lunch, they started to move into their new house.

Nobody would complain about having too many things during such dire times. Even a broken chair could be useful as it could be used as firewood. However, they realized that they had too many possessions when they started moving them.

Beds, quilts, furniture, grains, clothes, gasoline, electric generators, spices, woks, bowls... Carrying everything drained both their energy and time.

When they moved it all into the new house, it was around dusk.

Everyone was delighted, but the newcomers even more so, because they no longer had to squeeze in with the rest of them. Men had it better than women because they didn’t experience some of the inconveniences and embarrassments that women did. Women had to avoid others just to go to the bathroom.