Preparating for Departure

Wang Xiaguang slowly woke up after a long night’s sleep. She wondered where that strange place that she was staying in was. It looked totally different from the room she used to stay in. She felt strange. She remembered that she has been starving for a few days and she was supposed to be feeling weak. However, she felt good. She was even able to clench her fists.

Suddenly, she heard a very familiar voice from outside. She could not recall who it was, even though she tried extremely hard to. She put on the jacket she found on her headrest and tried to twist the doorknob. She was surprised when the door opened. A natural ray of light entered her room, and she realized that she was out of the underground base.

She was getting more curious as she quickly sped up her footsteps. She was stunned for a moment when she saw a woman mopping the floor in the living room. Huang Jiahui smiled at her and said, “Hi, I’m Huang Jiahui. Are you looking for Luo Yuan? He’s outside.”