
“That’s it?” Commander Xia asked shockingly and said, “It’s not even two minutes!?”

“Precisely. It is about 90 seconds and the battle was probably only about 20 seconds.” Xiao Fei said as he looked at his watch repeatedly.

“Seems like the people in the military base were real!” Commander Xia said. “I thought that was just a marketing strategy. The world has changed and we might be eliminated soon.”

“Stop your jealousy! Our genes are too stable and very difficult to be mutated. Some people could evolve just from consuming a piece of flesh from a light blue level mutated beast. However, people like us might not be able to evolve even if we get injected with pure mutated blood. Also, stop dreaming about retirement, it's almost impossible now." Xiao Fei said, and then he whispered, “There are wars every day in the rehabilitation region and the military department is recruiting new soldiers every moment. We might be sent to the front line as well after completing the current mission.”