Out of Control

As more and more mitochondria were working, his power seemed to increase endlessly. His body was like a volcano ready for an eruption of boundless power. He started to sway; he could not stand still. The human body was a tight system where it kept the body balanced. When a person stands, countless of muscles does plenty of minor adjustment to make that possible.

However, as more and more power overwhelmed his body, his brain could not send signals throughout his body in time. Every minor adjustment made his body float a little.

Luo Yuan looked around and noticed there a wall just a step away. He attempted to walk by leaning against the wall, as his body was stumbling. However, he had underestimated his power. Although he used only minimal strength, a slight move made his body plunge towards the wall.

A loud thud was heard, and his body went straight into the wall with his legs sticking out. Stuck, he knew that he definitely had underestimated his power.