Outer Space

"How’s Jiayi faring?" Zhao Yali asked instantly as she saw Luo Yuan coming out of the room.

Luo Yuan shook his head and told her everything.

There was silence in the house. Chen Jiayi had always been the quiet one in the group. She had always felt that her existence in the house was somewhat… insignificant but she was a good girl.

Everyone emphasized with the situation she was in.

"Maybe we should bring her to a hospital!" Huang Jiahui suggested.

"That’s a good idea!" Luo Yuan nodded and said.

Luo Yuan had a full understanding of the human body since he had the ability to modify genes. Although he knew that the hospital may not be able to help, it still gave them a little hope.

Everyone moved fast. Luo Yuan carried Chen Jiayi and they made their way to the hospital. The mutated human attempted to follow them but she locked in the house, screaming as she saw them leave.

Soon, they arrived at the hospital.