A Saber. Chu Tianlang1!

Yun Yang continued to pursue the topic and asked, “You do realize that this is your best chance at a long and fulfilling life, right?.”

Breathing in deeply, Li Changqiu took a long, hard look at the sky. Seeing things in the air that no one else could, he finally returned to the matter at hand and shook his head in denial, his tone heavy with grief.”You won’t understand!”

Yun Yang replied quietly, “The Four Seasons Tower must indeed be formidable if it can stay your hand this way.”

Li Changqiu replied wryly, “The Four Seasons Tower has no rival in the known world! I believe a mere ‘formidable’ would be a gross understatement.”

“It is indeed unrivaled in this world…” Yun Yang nodded his head in agreement and said bitterly, “I’m already amazed at its ability to command such loyalty and devotion. To remain unmoved in the face of death – other than labeling it as a senior’s respectable ethics and loyalty, it is undoubtedly one of the Four Seasons Tower’s many tactics.”