His Motive Alone Warrants Execution!

After the children were done with their physical training, they went to cultivate mystical Qi.

It was about this point that Shangguan Lingxiu, who had been tough and cold the entire time, went lax, walking towards a tree by the side of the drilling ground with hunched shoulders. Under the tree was a stone table with a few stone stools.

Shangguan Lingxiu sat down limply, her eyes gazing faraway as her straight back hunched for the first time.

Gradually, anger clouded her face as she murmured, "The Shangguan Family has splattered its blood far and wide in the mountains and rivers all over Yutang’s territory. Could it just be to protect these people who bite the hands that feed them? What then is the meaning of our sacrifices?! A gentleman will die for the patron who recognizes his worth. The gentlemen have died, but where are the patrons? Have they ever existed in the first place?"