The emperor was even more high-strung now. "Did Supreme Wind unearth something peculiar again? Is it about the Four Seasons Tower or Dongxuan? It must be about Dongxuan – Dongxuan has mobilized its troops out of the blue. It’s just illogical. There must be something behind it. What is the particular situation…"
His Majesty thought out loud, giving an incessant analysis and praying hard that it would be best if Supreme Wind investigated the conspiracy of Dongxuan immediately; it better not be about anything else!
Lord Supreme Wind had purged the high-leveled authorities of Yutang recently and almost half of the officials in the imperial court were gone, thanks to his witch-hunt. All of them were penalized with concrete evidence and there was no doubt that they were traitors and spies as well!
Faced with such a sordid reality, His Majesty was truly ashamed!