Ziyou's army was approaching collapse.
Time and again, they released tens of thousands of arrows, attacking from a wide and open range. Their opponent rolled up his sleeves and charged for the front lines, his face covered. Almost effortlessly, he broke through the dense shower of arrows with his solid mystical Qi; at times, he miraculously avoided arrows that almost skewered him, soaring up high and moving at least three hundred feet in a single leap. Even though there were tens of thousands of arrows in the air, none of them came close to him once he was airborne.
He would then fall from the sky and continue the slaughter of Ziyou soldiers.
Unfortunately for the attacking army, the tens of thousands of arrows that were released did not disappear; they remained fatal, falling back on the comrades who were pursuing Yun Yang. The casualties were staggering, waves of men falling under the onslaught of friendly fire.