If They Have Unequal Strengths, No Can Do

The reason it was of the highest level was mainly that this assembly dictum targeted all the assassins in this world. It was not only limited to a particular school, a clan, a sect, or any organization. As long as one was an assassin, one had to obey and act according to this dictum!

As for the factor supporting the dictum to cover such a wide range of influence, it was because the dictum was made by Sun Changkong, the Unrivaled Expert of the world back in the day, who was also called the Unrivaled Assassin.

Sun Changkong had prevailed over the world, able to kill anyone he targeted, and trounced the world's heroes to obedience. He had made the dictum due to the incessant revenge murders in the martial world and the blind transactions of assassination, but truthfully, the main reason for the dictum was to set restrictions on the world's assassins.