The leader snorted and said, "Our aim is to kill Yun Yang. We have no grievance against Shangguan Lingxiu! Don't you get it?"
The assistant replied angrily, "I see this even more clearly than you do, but the situation now is that brute force can't take Yun Yang down any time soon. If Shangguan Lingxiu is taken as a bargaining chip, it would certainly speed things up greatly!"
The leader sighed softly; looking at his assistant's furious gaze, he knew that he had to explain the entire scenario.
"The current situation obviously shows that Shangguan Lingxiu knows that she can't escape. At the same time, she doesn't want to either – because she knows that once she moves, whether she can actually flee or not, her movements will affect Yun Yang's focus. If she did escape, Yun Yang would not be able to confirm that she'd be safe, and he would be worried. Is this right?"