The trio sighed simultaneously. They could not say that he was wrong; it was horribly evident that destiny's game plan had gotten them good. Perhaps, God was intentionally taking a personal hand in these matters!
The scintillating auras of Tiantang City's pinnacle experts were all gone now; to be more precise, the ones with the highest cultivation base in Tiantang City were Sir Bi's men.
'I have sent ten cats just to devour a small mouse.'
'Wasn't it enough?'
'It obviously seemed, at the time, that it was more than enough!'
'Would the simple act of devouring a mouse need four great tigers?'
This was exactly where the issue lied! Who could have imagined that ten cats could not even annihilate a small mouse? It was unbelievable.
Anyone could see now that the small mouse was essentially a mouse who feasted on cats instead - how vile!
"Do all of you recall that the four of us spat blood simultaneously when I got this manual?" asked Sir Bi.
"Of course – why wouldn't we?"