As his train of thoughts inevitably carried him here, Gu Chaliang could not help but recall his plan to track them; it had been flawless, without a single loophole. From the birth of intention to it's plotting, execution, ambush, and tracking, the entire process had been smooth and utterly confidential.
How could they have been ambushed instead? This had only happened after the astral providence had been obscured. All in all, this ambuscade was most certainly a premeditated event.
How could this come to be?
Nonetheless, despite the dire situation, there was at least something that could be confirmed – the other party had long known about Gu Chaliang's existence. They knew that their scheme would not come to fruition as long as his foreseeing skill was intact; they had to obscure God's will to interrupt his prophetic abilities in order for the ambush to be successful.