The Two Freaks

Yun Yang could empathize with Ling Xiaozui's feelings.

Even without his status and background, if a person who had been at the top of the Tianxuan Continent and commanding the scene for so long were to refuse the fate of mediocrity once he got to the Bound of Universe, he had to find a source of influential support and depend on it.

Maybe one could be an ordinary disciple of a school and slowly make his way up the ladder; maybe one could attach himself to a noble family as a serving man – yet, what was the difference in that from being a simple home servant?

Furthermore, there was the status of being one who came from a place that God despised.

It was awful!

Such was the case. Forget the fact that Ling Xiaozui was reluctant to go, even Yun Yang was not willing to as well.

Nonetheless, there was no way forward if they remained where they were.

This was a dead end with no other solution in sight!

"Bound of Universe… How big is it?" Yun Yang mused.