Only Lao Mei was left behind, who eventually discovered with no small amount of shock that the word ill-fated seemed to be talking about him. When he realized that these people were gone and wanted to flee as well, it was already too late. He was the only one left in the entire residence, the one who had always been the Residence of Yun's chamberlain. He had to shoulder the responsibility; in the end, he had to come out and face the reality.
He was truly a pillar standing strong amidst sweeping currents, the sole foundation that held a building in place. In spite of this, the chamberlain thought that he was about to die of fatigue anytime now!
Watching the crowd who had come to make obeisance to Supreme Cloud piously, Lao Mei felt dead inside, but he had to wear the most radiant of faces and speak gently, putting up a soothing and friendly demeanor.