"Cough— Enough, enough, that's enough. How am I supposed to use so many of them? I don't need those two, especially at the crotch of my pants. That would be too much, a literal exploitation of deific entities…" The little fatty was mortified by the turn the conversation was taking.
"Yes, sir!"
The little fatty bore no resentment at being yelled at. He was close to abasing himself on the ground to pledge his loyalty!
Yun Yang was very satisfied with this location, content enough to set up the sect here.
After shaking loose any possible form of pursuit, Yun Yang took two more days to ensure that his surroundings were safe. He had finally decided to set up the sect among these mountains!
"This shall be the place."
Yun Yang closed his eyes and lapsed into deep thought, imagining how he would want his sect to look.