One Man Defence

It seemed like James VIII's prediction was wrong.

When the thunderous gallops sounded, his face turned pale as well and his body was wobbling hard.

Mary who also turned pale quickly went over and helped the king.

Even though she was still reluctant to admit the man's identity as her father, she didn't want him to fall like that on the ground.

A king who fell to the ground was an unbearable scene!

"Mary, leave now!" The king said in a hurried tone.

The girl shook her head.

"Trust 2567!" She showed her trust in Kieran.

During her most helpless times, Kieran was always with her, helping her to overcome difficulties and he also straightened and eased out her anxiety in his own unique way.

Although it might seem cold from other's point of view, the girl felt like she could trust that kindness.

Trust and kindness.

Whether was it her trust that brought the kindness out from Kieran or the kindness from him strengthened her trust, Mary had no idea.