Confidential News

Fires were blazing and the holy light was dazzling.

As the light and shadows were reflected away, Kieran slowly emerged from the fire.

Among the astonished high ranking officers of Edland City. Chief Gregory who met Kieran before instantly called out in shock, "Sir 2567!"

His loud call broke the silence in the area.

The panicked aide who fell on the ground said in a clutch, "Impossible! Impossible! How could he get the core legacy technique of the Griffin Church? How could the Knight of Eagle give him that?!"

The aide's reaction made Deburo, who stopped on the spot, was frowning hard.

The group of bodyguards that came with Deburo sent a man out to cover the aide's mouth and dragged him back into the car like a rucksack, still, the information the aide had spilled was enough.