
Olinde Street Block which was merry and clamoring quickly quieted down as the citizens scattered back home.

Citizens left for home, shops closed down, all that was left were groups of police officers loaded with real bullets and a bunch of extraordinary individuals with their weird outfits.

The officers were patrolling ceaselessly while in each patrol group was an extraordinary individual dressed weirdly.

Everyone was serious and had a heavy expression, it further made Olinde Street Block more scary and anxious; the routed officers were in fright and they would treat every bush as an enemy.

Drexton falling into Mr. Ghost's trap accidentally wasn't concealed by Willis, neither would he conceal it because he knew what kind of enemy they were facing.

Mr. Ghost!

A notorious, infamous super villain in Alkender City that everyone knew!

A terrifying criminal who slaughtered hundreds and thousands just for his own pleasure and fun.