
While looking at the dubious, shocked and confused expression on Jin, the leader of Perforation Sting, Great Swamp couldn't hold back his smile.

When Kieran approached him to propose a collaboration, Great Swamp knew he would gain something out of the deal.

After all, with a collaborator like Zackary, Kieran, and Great Swamp weren't just predicting their opponent's moves anymore, instead, they had absolute control over all the details in their plan—the duo knew every step their enemy would take.

The God of Forest City disguised himself as Jin whilst Great Swamp helped Kieran by transforming into him in order to engage the God of Forest City.

Great Swamp could already picture the astonishment on his old friend's face when Kieran revealed his true identity—the astonishment must be similar to Jin's current state before Great Swamp's eyes right now.