
Around three hours later, the west-bound convoy switched directions and continued on to Arya Outpost instead.

People carried urns holding the ashes of their family members. Soft sobbing could be heard from time to time.

After a one time 'betrayal', the damage done was far more severe than death, as the morale of the group was almost zero.

They survived in the end but they had lost reason to live.

Even though they were heading to Arya Outpost, they did it because they were just habitually listening to the convoy leader's order, which was Archpriest Pelder of Harvest Temple.

Other than that? The people didn't know.

Every single one of them looked lost and their expressions were all captured by Kieran's eyes. In the end, Kieran landed his gaze on Pelder, the archpriest of Harvest Temple.

Similar to the people, the archpriest was at a loss for actions. He didn't even know his broken limb was bleeding again.