
Luphus lowered his head helplessly after the pressuring figure left.

Yort Fields was very different from Naveya City.

In fact, anyone with a little self-awareness knew why Yort Fields was still under the rule of the lords: the contract from 300 years ago.

If the contract wasn't there, Yort Fields would have become Naveya's colony.

And now, something big had gone down in Naveya, causing some of the lords in Yort Fields to have ulterior thoughts.

Some became careful, some became greedy.

As a wise man once praised by many, Luphus had provided the lords with honest suggestions, but in the end… here he was, in front of Arya Outpost.

Greed blinds the eye of men and blocks them from the truth.

Ignorance fuels the arrogance of man.


A sigh later, Luphus turned around and went over to 'Knight' Eden, trying to help him up.

No, not knight, it should be 'student', as Eden was Luphus' disciple.
