Question and Answer

The people flooded to the manor with the mini tower like the rising tide.

With the patients heavily infected by the plague as witnesses, the others quickly joined the fray and searched for the ones responsible for the plague.

Never underestimate the power of unity, even in commoners.

The united power will always exceed expectations.

A mere half an hour later, the subordinates of the wandering doctor were all caught.

They were brought before Kieran, but they were smart enough not to spill the beans.

"We were all taking orders from the doctor! This has nothing to do with us! Please believe us, Your Majesty!"

Under the furious gaze of the angry mob, the apprehended strangers cried out loud, tears and snot rolling down their cheeks.

Kieran subtly kept away his hand. Since the beginning, he had stood there and never moved a muscle.

As for the apprehended men?

The patients jumped on them and drowned them in an instant.