Big Discovery

Sloth had been calculating over 10 thousand times in his mind, his stamina quickly depleting, thus causing him to slow down his steps, especially when he entered the temple district. 

All sorts of beings that lurked in the temple district forced him to keep away all his powers. His host could easily kill all of them, even Pride could if he brought out his best, but Sloth himself?

Well, Sloth had always been a pacifist.

If he could lie down, he would never stand: if he could sleep, he would never open his eyes.

So, Sloth was wriggling on the ground, his eyes half-open as he slowly made his way to Lightning Temple. He wasn't wriggling like a maggot though, because a maggot was faster than him.

Holding back his urge to yawn, Sloth crawled along the shadows, sneaking past monster patrols and heavily guarded outposts, one after another.