
The sculpture looked normal, even a little crude at a second glance, like the work of a rookie who had just learned how to sculpt.

The sculpture looked like a person but the facial features were messy and the movements were not properly defined. The sculpture seemed to be wielding a sword, a two-handed sword.

The sword was thick and heavy, with some decorations on it that looked like fire and mist. The overall image was very crudely crafted, but Cymilaide couldn't tell.

If it was just a crude looking sculpture, Cymilaide wouldn't be this concerned, but Kieran told him the sculpture was from Mordin!

Mordin! A master sculptor to normal people but for those who knew a little bit more, this master sculptor was a very concerning person since the end of the papal era.

Cymilaide's comment on her: very powerful!

Following the destruction of Armiarde Sect overnight, it further boosted Mordin's power over the top, granting her a mysterious veil.