
The figure stared into the restaurant at Kieran, its eyes sharper than its presence, like knives slicing skin.

The presence was sharp and keen but lacked killer intentions.

Kieran clearly identified it and looked back at the figure with a calm gaze.

Black windcoat, boots, and a fedora of the same color, the figure in the shadow looked like it could simply blend into the darkness.

"Harstarty?" the figure asked in a low voice.

Kieran frowned.

The figure's intonation was clear, Kieran heard it perfectly but he couldn't understand.

Confused, the keen aura paused for a second before the figure asked again in doubts, "Weireist?"

The same weird intonation, making Kieran furrow his brows.

"Please speak human, thank you," Kieran didn't want to play guess with the figure any longer.

He wasn't used to this kind of obscure conversation, despite the person being the one that he had been expecting.