Victor Must Die

After noticing Kieran's gaze, with a previous encounter under his belt, Paladia rolled aside and hid behind Kieran without a second thought.

He scaredly stood up for a peek after that.

When he first saw Scarlet the red skull, Paladia was trembling in fear, and now, he saw the scarlet red figure again.

The scarlet red skull was a nightmare to the young Herder of Gemstone Sector because of that day changing scene. It left a very deep impression and it was safe to consider that it toppled his world view and logic.

The modern education given to the Herders opted out of the so-called Gods.

In fact, in this modern age, most of the mystical side would not acknowledge the existence of Gods, assuming that Gods were powerful individuals deified by people.

However, the more they denied it, the scarier the red skull felt to Paladia.