Surprising Attack

From the moment Scarlet appeared, Victor and You hadn't moved their eyes away from him, noticing the unusual reaction on its skull face the very first moment.

Victor moved his body subtly to try to have a look behind him. You glued her eyes at the skull face, worried that it did it on purpose.

However, when Victor saw there was really someone behind him and got a clear look on the face, he was surprised by the breathtaking features.

The handsome face on the man was out of this world, like the murals and stained glass in churches that depicted deities and angels.

However, the clothes he wore were old and broken. The edge of the windcoat was badly damaged, threads sticking out around holes. The same went for his pants around the knees. His boots were even dirtier, as though he had stepped on vomit.

If Victor hadn't seen his face and only scanned over his bad attire, he would assume the man was a drunkard with heavy addiction.