An Honourable Sophomore

  One hundred, two hundred... Qin Guan counted the bills by spitting on his fingers. My fingers are too dry, I might as well wet them with my spit...Six thousand nine hundred, seven thousand... Seven thousand? Why seven thousand? One hundred, two hundred... It was seven thousand! Qin Guan counted the bills again.

  It should have been 10,000 yuan. Why did I only get 7,000? He suddenly recalled Sister Xue's expression when she had handed him the envelope. She had looked satisfied to him. Right, she must have felt great about taking 3,000 yuan for handling fees!

  Several days ago, Qin Guan had generously given Sister Xue 600 yuan. At the time, he had said that it was handling money, but Sister Xue had said it was charity.

  So 600 yuan was charity, yet 3,000 yuan was not? That exploiting Sister Xue! Crying, Qin Guan fell on his bed. 3,000 yuan were gone! His fate was decided. Forget it. I'll just cry myself to sleep.