“The Legendary Swordsman” Is On

Qin Guan took a taxi home. He pushed the door open carefully and saw that his parents were sleeping.

Wherever they were, they made themselves at home. Qin Guan took off his suit and fake collar, feeling slightly drunk. Sweet dreams!

Sweet dreams? Of course! Qin Guan's parents had been there for several days. They were really good at socializing, so they had quickly established a good relationship with the old people and idlers of the neighborhood committees.

His mother had joined the community Yangge group, and his father had made friends with Chinese chess fans.

Qin Guan felt ruthlessly abandoned by them. He had prepared a map and a tour, intending to take them to the Summer Palace and other famous sights, but his plan had met a premature end.

His parents had turned up their noses when they’d heard it. No one liked strolling around in the winter!