Are you Kidding?

 Boiled dumplings with eggs and Chinese chives were a common food for Chinese people. Even the frozen ones bought from the supermarket were delicious. As he was chewing the dumplings in his mouth, Qin Guan heard a percussion from the stage.

 The attention of the guests was attracted by the sound.

 Dang, dang, dang,...

 "Leaving Hongdong Town, Su San walked along the street..." [1]

 Qin Guan spit his food out. Cong Nianwei, who was peeling garlic across from him, calmly pulled her plate back.

 Are you kidding? It’s despondent to sing such a sad song during dinner.

 Even more ridiculous things followed.

 There was a hurried percussion sound before a monkey suddenly jumped out. [2]

 "Elder sister, don’t worry! I’m coming!"

 The Monkey King performed a series of backward somersaults backstage. All the American customers looked excited. They cheered and applauded, forgetting about the food on their tables.