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 The assistant was slow getting to the point, so Qin Guan just asked the boss directly.

 Armani felt happy to hear his mother tongue. "A perfume," he answered.

 A perfume! That sounds elegant! Qin Guan covered his surprise. Don't lose face before them! 

 Trying his best to control the muscles on his face, he said in Italian, "Okay."

 "It will be just like your CK show artistically... No, wait. Thane, get some black clothes for him..."

 The assistant hesitated. He had to go to another floor to do that. Generally speaking, the proper apparel was hard to find.

 At the time, flexibility was important.

 He took out a black velvet cloak from a drawer and asked Qin Guan to put it on.

 The black cloak was floating on the floor like a blooming black rose.

 Both models looked royal and elegant.

 "Looks pretty good."

 Those words sealed their destiny.