The Party Shooting

"Hey, Qin Guan! Welcome to our party!" Catherine gave him a charming, warm smile, completely different from the attitude she had had around Zhang Dekai.

Zhang Dekai was the chairman’s name. When the boy saw his princess run up to Qin Guan excitedly, his face turned gloomy.

He had hated handsome guys all his life!

His first two childhood sweethearts had been taken away from him by handsome boys. Meanwhile, girls sneered at his looks.

Qin Guan really irritated him. He was outraged. He knew that he had been better than his other two love rivals, but that shining boy was completely out of his league.

Grinding his teeth, Zhang loosened and tightened his fists. He didn't leave though. Instead, he walked up to Qin Guan with a smile. Before he could join their conversation though, a quarrel broke out at the entrance.

"Let me in!"

"Sir, this is a private party. You need an invitation. If you have one..."