Let's Blossom

Qin Guan's lips formed an O. There was an excited expression in his eyes. Okay, but you asked for this. If the photoshoot goes bad, it's not my responsibility.

Qu Xuemei finished her introduction and shouted at Richard, "Hey, the show is about to begin. All idlers get out! Want to have a try? You are old, but still vigorous… Please get out quickly then!"

Hey! I’m not old! I’m only turning 32 this year. You are the older one here, okay?

Richard was angry, but he could do nothing but retreat before Qu. Only the staff members and the two models were left in the greenhouse.

Chad had also been warned to do his best. After Richard left, he cast a sympathetic look at Qin Guan.

That Asian model must have offended the chief editor of VOGUE. Now I have to take him out! If I use my full ability, I will destroy his future. He may even start doubting the purpose of his own life.