The Four Actors Together

After the break, Nichols called the whole crew back to continue their work. The next scene was very important. It was the only scene where all four actors would appear together, so it was the most essential scene of the film.

It was a clash among four talented actors, as well as a feast of excellent shooting skills.

The role of Alice, which was the smallest part, was played by Natalie Portman, a famous former child star whose first role had been the female lead in "Leon The Professional". This was proof enough of her acting skills.

The two groups met on the set. This would be the first and last time Qin Guan would see all the actors of the film in one place.

Jude Law and Natalie Portman got out of a business car and waved at Nichols warmly.

They all realized that this was an arena. They had to defend their honor with all their power.