A Musical Interview

The cliff, the combination of high speed and danger, the mix of strength and beauty, and the sharp turn between the blue sky and the ocean was a feeling that men loved. The male audience was inspired with a desire to conquer.

"Bloody hell! What a wonderful advertisement!"

"Is this a new car?"

"Shall we buy it, darling?"

"Oh, my! Let me check my bank account..."

Qin Guan's fans expressed their confusion immediately.

"The model driving the Cadillac looks like Qin Guan."

"Yes! We couldn't see his full face, but the different parts we saw looked like Qin Guan."

"It must be Qin Guan."

"How do you know?"

"Check his blog!"

The fans refreshed their browsers and saw the latest news about the car advertisement.

That was proof enough of Qin Guan's presence in the advertisement. However, Qu was in a bad mood as she looked at the screen.

Some even more striking news would be released later that night.