Tough Questions

Qin Guan opened his eyes. Instead of calm and cool, he was happy and relaxed. He began to jump on the paved road on one leg like a naughty boy. Everyone felt his inner delight.

The paved road reminded Qin Guan of his childhood, when the girls used to play hopscotch without the boys.

The audience was just as pleased. The atmosphere was warm and harmonious, unlike the first scene, which had been very solemn.

The reporters were all affected. A brave one began to ask questions.

"Qin Guan, is this your first invitation to an international fashion week? How are you feeling?"

As the flashlights blinked, Qin Guan walked in leisurely, as if he was crossing his own garden. He thought for a moment.

"Yes, it's my first trip to Milan. My feelings are really complicated right now. I couldn't express them with words, if I tried. If you insist though, I would compare Milan to the most famous seafood pizza in Italy. I love its profound content."