The Ambitious Textile Industry

He was a tender man who loved "A Dream in the Red Mansion". Despite his tough demeanor and strong body, he felt like crying.

"Thank you so much… I'm so excited..." Yin burst into tears on the stage.

"Qin Guan… Thank you so much..."

He was about to rush up to Qin Guan and stain his clothes with his tears and mucus.

"This outfit took 10 people and one month to make! It's made of fine materials and intricate embroidery. Unless you want to destroy it, don't cry in my arms!"

Yin stopped and wiped his tears away on his sleeves.

Save your tears, young man. There is even more applause waiting for you.

The audience let out a sigh of admiration for the designer.

"You are wonderful! I love your designs! You are an outstanding man!"

"Darling, look up! Over here!"

They were getting closer to the stage, while buyers and brand businessmen blocked Sister Xue's way under the stage.