Setting Out For Qinghai

Qin Guan took a seat among his old friends and schoolmates.

The table culture of Chinese people was full of human kindness. During dinner, people expanded their connections and made new friends.

After exchanging a few words, Qin Guan caught up with his old friends. They had prospered during the past couple of years. Their small company had succeeded not just in the development of the western regions, but also in entertaining the residents of the capital.

They had established a chain KTV called Haoledi. Qin Guan's value had been rising in the process, but his total assets had reached a debt of tens of millions of yuan.

This was because his previous investment had not succeeded yet and his next projects had to be expanded. In other words, everything was in place except for the capital. However, many banks were begging to give them a loan to benefit from their success.