Getting Used To Having You Around

The zookeeper tried to catch up with Qin Guan and Cong Nianwei, but failed. The baboons booed at him in dissatisfaction.

Depressed, Qin Guan followed Cong Nianwei out of the park.

Their fourth stop had been a failure as well.


Cong Nianwei looked back at her boyfriend. Fantasies were beautiful, but reality was cruel. He had given more thought to their youthful memories.

Cong Nianwei stretched her hand toward the popcorn box. Qin Guan was taken aback.

"It's sweet, but cold."

She was right. Their love was warm enough for them. Qin Guan smiled behind his thick scarf.

"Qin Guan?"


"Win a doll for me. Over there! At the balloon stand!"

"No problem!"

At the exit of the park was a group of peddlers. Their turf was marked by some plain prizes.

Qin Guan lifted the gun, which had a simple wooden butt, and used both his childhood memories and what he had learned during his military training.