Mainland Residents Are So Weird!

The Yankees showed them the video.

"Look at how he transitions between a real and a fake voice. He is hitting both high and low notes. His vocal range is just..."

The short video shocked the Hong Kong singers and producers, who had had no idea about Qin Guan's singing abilities. He had always kept it a secret.

When Director Chen and his company had been hesitant about choosing the protagonist of the film, these news had been their salvation. They had contacted Qin Guan's studioright away.

That was how Qin Guan had gotten the part. Zhang knew nothing about this though, so he treated Qin Guan as an amateur.

"Can you recite all the songs?"


"Do you think you will be out of tune ?"


"Do you think you might forget the lyrics while you are performing?"


Then why are you asking me for advice? Young people are too confident nowadays...