A Hot Kiss

The Hong Kongers, who always looked down upon mainlanders, were shocked. Director Chen held back the word "cut" and adjusted the camera to shoot underwater.

Shooting underwater set higher standards for the actors, but Sister Xue relaxed as she watched Qin Guan through the camera. He had grown up by the seaside, so he had experienced great storms and waves. A shallow pool was nothing for him.

The water was clear enough to see the bottom of the pool. Qin Guan's face seemed to sparkle like jade. His eyebrows and eyes were softened by the ripples, and his red lips looked splendid on his fair face. Anyone could get lost in them.

A few bubbles came out of his mouth. One of them got stuck to his eyebrow, reluctant to part with its handsome master.

"He's so beautiful!" Wu Junru, who was a very sensitive woman, murmured from behind the camera. A splashing sound brought her back to reality.