Joining The Crew

Qin Guan's first thought was to submit his own films to the Dubai Film Festival to make money. The average award would be worth tens of thousands of dollars, which would definitely make participating worth it.

Making a decision, Qin Guan hugged Abdul at the gate with a smile. The two of them had become good friends.

Han Zhujiu, on the other side, exchanged a fierce glance with the Arabian bodyguards before leaving.

On their way back, Qu asked Qin Guan, "Did you finish reading the Warner Bros script? That will be your last film before you return to China."

"I finished it. It's interesting. The investment is pretty good too. I think it was 10 million. Am I a B level actor now?"

"Yes, I submitted an application when you won your second award in Berlin. When the total box office of 'Mean Girls' comes out, your application will be approved."

"What does that mean?"