Panic Among The Domestic Media

This didn't affect the crew's joy. However, just before he left the site, Qin Guan noticed Jude Law's annoyance. All actors, famous or not, wanted to win awards. Even older actors yearned for that honor.

Qin Guan's team accompanied him to his hotel as Wang was about to publish the news.

It was already midnight in America, but it was noon in Beijing. Sister Xue called Qin Guan on his computer. She was still nervous, even though she had watched the entire ceremony.

Both of Qin Guan's official websites published the news at the same time. Sister Xue always accompanied Qin Guan to such grand events, so she wanted to talk to him as soon as the ceremony ended.

She was just in time, as Qin Guan wanted to talk to her too.

Video communication technology had been developed by then, and some international large-scale enterprises had started using it during their meetings to work simultaneously from different locations.