Arduous Conditions

Qin Guan put on a large cotton gauze mask and asked the nurse with a poker face, "What's wrong with her?"

The nurse looked at the crying girl with a disdainful expression. "Hey, that's enough. That bruise is no bigger than a fingernail!"

Director Yin zoomed to get a reaction shot of Qin Guan. His beautiful eyes shot an indifferent glance at the girl. He knew all about matters of life and death, so dramatic girls like her were his least favorite kind of patient.

Qin Guan used an effective method to stop the troublemaker.

"Nurse! Nurse, be careful! Please!" When Li cried out loudly, Qin Guan slapped her across the face. His hands were in disposable gloves.

It was not a hard slap, but she suddenly stopped crying. The girl looked shocked. Turning her head around, she fixed her eyes on the doctor like an idiot. 

Bang! He gave her another slap.

"You… How dare you..."